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Board Passers
Garcia College of Technology proudly congratulates our 13 new Registered Electrical Engineers! We also recognize the steadfast dedication of our Electrical Engineering Department faculty, led by Engr. Jolenie I. Hing, as well as our General Education faculty members. Your commitment to excellence sets an inspiring benchmark for us all. Onward, GCT! We are incredibly proud of each of you. GCT truly embodies excellence!
Garcia College of Technology congratulates our 5 new Registered Mechanical Engineers! We also commend the unwavering commitment of the Mechanical Engineering Department faculty, led by Engr. Rufino O. Rigodon, I, along with our General Education faculty members. Your dedication sets a high standard that inspires us all. Onward, GCT! We are immensely proud of each of you. GCT truly embodies excellence. #TatakGCT
Congratulations to the 24 new Civil Engineers from Garcia College of Technology! Your accomplishment is truly remarkable, and it is a testament to your hard work, knowledge, and dedication. The Civil Engineering Department’s Faculty Members, led by Engr. Josefina R. Dagohoy, and the General Education Faculty Members deserve recognition for their unwavering commitment to excellence.
We are immensely proud of each of you. Onward GCT!